Coyotes are small to medium-sized canines native to California and much of the western U.S., and they play a significant role in the ecosystem here. While they are often mistaken for a German Shepard, these dogs have longer, skinnier snouts and bushy, black-tipped tails. While they're typically most active around dawn or dusk, they can be seen year-round during the day or at night. Although they normally fear humans, they are attracted to food and garbage and will often make their way into your neighborhood if hungry or curious.
According to Native Animal Rescue, "coyote" is derived from the Aztec word, coyotl. Native Americans call them "sound dogs" because of their wide range of noises; their yips, howling, and even whimpers can be mistaken for a range of other common wildlife. While they're often nomadic, coyotes can live and breed in areas where food is abundant, leading them to be seen more often near suburban areas where people leave food out or don't have a pest-deterring garbage disposal. The easiest way to tell that you have them living nearby is by the amount of noise they make.
Commonly referred to as scavengers, a coyote's diet revolves around what is available in the area. While they're essential to reducing the local rodent population, they'll eat whatever is available, including insects like grasshoppers, berries, and even small birds. While construction and active areas are typically enough to keep them at bay, these canines have adapted to become bolder around humans, evading simple traps, fences, and cameras over recent years.
While they're not necessarily threatening at first glance, it's common for coyotes to target small, unprotected animals and pets. In certain rural environments, they can target sheep, chickens, and other livestock; meanwhile, they can cause damage to your property by tearing through fences or biting into irrigation systems. When caring for their young, typically from May to September, they can become more aggressive to perceived threats. Like many wild animals, they also pose the risk of disease as they can carry several parasites such as fleas, mites, worms, and more.
When it comes to keeping them off your property, it's essential to ensure you've taken preventative measures. Keeping garbage cans locked tight, maintaining bird feeders, and not leaving out food for strays are common ways to avoid attracting them. If you see one on your property, avoid approaching the animal. Make substantial noises, like clapping or whistling, to scare them off. When you have coyotes that continuously plague your property, though, it's important to find local professionals that can safely remove the problem to reduce the risk of harm to you or the animal.
Coyotes are a significant problem for homes and businesses in Northern California, but they don't need to be a problem for you. Grass Valley, CA's top-rated wildlife removal service, Gold Country Wildlife Control, is dedicated to humanely removing many kinds of wildlife. Contact our local wildlife removal experts today to request an estimate and learn more about how you can keep the nuisance at bay.
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